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Head Lice Identification and Biology
It is important to understand a little about head lice biology and habits. Head lice are obligate blood feeders, which means that they require human blood to grow, develop and lay eggs. When on a human host, they usually will be found close to the scalp, but may also be found on the eyebrows or eyelashes. Head lice are quite small; adults are 1/10 to 1/8 of an inch long and the immature lice are even smaller. They are tan to grayish-white. Head lice cannot fly or hop like fleas, but they can crawl quickly through the hair at a rate of nine inches per minute.
An adult female head louse can lay 3-4 eggs per day and the average life span on the host is 30 days. Eggs hatch within 7-10 days after being laid. Immature lice pass through three stages before becoming adults, which takes another 8-9 days. One pregnant adult female can produce enough offspring so that a significant infestation can occur within a month. A child that has a significant infestation has been infested for at least a month or more.
Nits are white when they are first laid and turn brownish before they hatch. They are glued to hair strands about 1/2 inch from the scalp. This glue is so strong that the nits cannot be as easily removed.
Head lice must feed every few hours, but can survive off the host for two days to a week depending on environmental conditions, primarily temperature. Lice die more quickly when temperatures are warm and humidity is low.
Laundering-Wash Clothes, Bedding, Towels and Recently Worn Clothing
Do this step when you treat your family members—it doesn't have to be done daily. Wash bed linens and recently worn clothes in hot, soapy water in a washing machine. Drying in a 140 degree Fahrenheit dryer will kill both lice and nits. Articles that cannot be washed can be vacuumed (like stuffed animals, pillows, headphones and hats) dry cleaned, or stored in tightly sealed plastic bags for 2 weeks.
Sharing Personal Items
Instruct children not to share combs, brushes, hats, or other articles of clothing at school, play, or other activities.
Soak Family Combs and Brushes
Family combs and brushes should soak for at least 10 minutes in hot water (130 degrees Fahrenheit). If they don't already have them, it might be a good time to get every member of the home their own comb and brush. Tell your child not to share these items with others.
Head lice are found in children of all socioeconomic classes. They are very contagious and can spread easily. While there is no reason to panic (head lice do not carry serious diseases), taking action quickly is the best way to prevent the infestation of other family members. It is also important for parents to remain calm because they will need the cooperation of their child to successfully treat this problem.
We have five children and head lice has been a problem for us. Having head lice does not make you a dirty family in fact head lice do not like living on dirty hair. There is nothing worse than taking you children to get there hair cut and being told that they can not cut their hair because of them having head lice (where do you look, very embarrassing). We have used most of the best selling products on the market and they did not always work plus they are not cheap, plus after treated your children they go back to school and before you know it they have head lice again. Some children pick up the head lice more than others, two of our children were always catching lice even thou four of our children went to the same school. We were forever treating them and constantly putting chemicals and pesticides on there heads, then we thought enough was enough so we looked into more natural formulas and found this one, we have now perfected it and now offer it to everyone who has the same problem we had.
- Lavender Fresh English lavender kills head lice within minutes.
- Tea Tree Oil This kills the eggs.
- Vinegar Head lice hate vinegar and it also breaks down the glue that lice use to stay attached to the hair.
All ingredients are mixed and left for 4 weeks to infuse.
Liced formula is:
- 100% safe
- 100% natural
- 100% organic
- 100% works
Plus it smells good Now only sold in 100ml Bottles. This is enough for up to three Children/Adults depending on hair length.
Liced kills head lice and nits (eggs) and is a 100% natural formula prepared from organically grown herbs, Liced has no harmful chemicals and is free from pesticides, artificial preservatives, additives and colours (no parabens, no enzymes, no harsh surfactants or solvents) No need to use a nit comb - easy wash out protective formula (no pain and no tears!) Suitable for all hair types including permed, coloured, Afro hair and dreadlocks (due to its "watery" consistency it is very easy to apply even on thick hair) Safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women and children over 1 year old. Quick, simple and safe to use by the whole family. Decades of proven record of effectiveness. Not been tested on animals and is suitable for vegans. Shelf life of 5 years even after opening. Excellent on scalp disinfectant dandruff infections and itchy skin
Pour some Liced formula into the palm of your hands and apply (as if you were going to gel your hair back) Apply until the hair is fully covered (root to tip) Leave on for a minimum of 60 minutes then wash off with shampoo. (It is safe to leave it on all night)
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