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This product has been tested on people travelling by car, train, ships, cruses, aeroplanes, buses and even fun fair theme park rides and all results were positive so it really does work.
First I want to tell you about my experience on my sickness and how it led me to making this product, when I was young I used to feel sick because of eating to many sweets or running about too soon after eating or the common stomach bug going around and either my mother or nan would say to me "go and pick some mint leaves out of the garden" and in our garden we used to have an old Butler sink filled with mint like a lot of gardens in the UK, they kept the mint separated because it would spread very easily, anyway my family would and add these leaves in a drink or even ice cream and as I got older I would eat the leaves whole and it always used to make the feeling sick go away so this is why the mint is added.
In my teenage years I started to travel more and so we would get boats to Ireland and France and long distance in cars and even flights to other countries but my main sickness was rough crossings on the boats and ferries, so when I knew we were going on a boat I would take some mint with me but this would not help the sea sickness coming on although it would help ease the sickness but it wasn't until I was in my twenties that I decided to get a small fishing boat because all my life I have done sea fishing and I thought that I would be fine because where we live the sea is very calm but I was very wrong because whist driving the boat to a detention to fish I felt fine but as soon as I put down the anchor the boat would sway back and forth and after just 5 minutes of this I would feel so sick so the interest in fishing was gone and getting back to land was my main concern, I then did some research and I tried a couple of things the first being some kind of magnet bracelet, this ending up being a waste of money and another wasted fishing trip the I then tried the sickness pills and to be fair they did work a little but I did still feel sick, then in a conversation a friend asked if I had tried ginger but I hadn't so I was eager to try this on my next boat trip and I was amazed to learn that my sickness was gone, I felt fine every time I went out on the boat, and this is why I made this combined sickness capsule, I used a capsule form because it works much faster than any sickness pills and if you are to take the capsules with a hot drink it releases its contents and infuses very fast so if you feel sick or you think you might feel sick these ginger and mint capsules are definitely for you, there are no side effects and the ingredients are natural and unlike pills there are no bulking agents so you are getting pure 800mg in every capsule.
I am the first person to make this combined ginger and mint sickness capsule, we advise taking one or two capsules as needed but you can take as many as you need as there are no side effects no allergies and you can not overdose, please tell your friends and family so we can put a stop to this motion sickness.
Total servings 60 - Serving size 1 x 800mg - Vegetarian capsule size 00
Other ingredients: vegetable cellulose capsules
Free from soy, gluten, milk, egg, wheat, gmo’s, peanuts, seeds, sweeteners, shellfish.
pharmaceutical grade 120ml UnoPac™ child-safe bottles. EXPIRY: 3 years
Take one or two capsules before traveling by land, sea or rides. For best results swallow whole with a hot drink. Store in a dry place.
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One bottle
60 Capsules
Two bottles
120 Capsules
Three bottles
190 Capsules
Four bottles
240 Capsules
Six bottles
360 Capsules
Twenty bottles
1200 Capsules
Fifty bottles
3000 Capsules
1 hundred bottles
6000 Capsules
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